Hack #2 MetaCriticism

Hack of a hack

Hack of a hack

Cool. I am learning wordpress. So tonight I went out for Ethiopian food and I was talking about our class. I was talking about teaching styles and how we integrate technology into the classroom to enhance our Hist 110 experience and so when the person I was with asked for an example I talked about how I tweeted at Prof. Blum today about something that was bothering me. At dinner I also talked about the whole Micro/Macro Tree/Forrest thing but I guess I will use this post to explain my discontent with whoever made that meme attacking Patricia Arquette.

Dating tip: If someone takes you out to dinner, definitely bring up your History 110 class. It will without doubt lead to a date #2 🙂 Our college tuition is so dang expensive, I like getting the best experience possible out of it.

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